The Real Christi Kay

The trials and tribulations of Gordon the Golf

Posted in Life by christikay on January 6, 2010

The text message I sent to Laura at 1:26pm stated that “Gord would not start, but I will be there in a second.”
I always give Gordo the benefit of the doubt. Sure, he doesn’t always start right away. He enjoys stalling while moving, and there is the slight issue that when it rains outside it pours inside. Before I go any further I should explain that Gordon is my 1988 VW Golf, and despite a plethora of issues and idiosyncrasies I have quite a love for him.

After arriving at Laura’s, a boundless block away from CasaDwight (by now I’m sure you’ve noticed that I chose to name a lot of inanimate objects, just go with it) and countless attempts to start we were on our way. ..well for  20 meters at least.  However after that we were really on our way.

I knew that things were not going well when he stalled (with the clutch in) at a red light. I cursed him silently for not being polite to Laura, whom he’s only met a few times. He should know better than to be rude to people he barely knows. As we approached Quadra Gord gurgled and sputtered, and all of a sudden instead of motoring down Hillside we were coasting.

The good news is we quietly glided to a stop on a side street that couldn’t have come up at a better time. For the next half hour we battled it out. Briefly I wondered if he needed an exorcism because of the shaking and backfiring that he was doing, it was quite the temper tantrum. Eventually we coaxed him to stay running and managed to get him to a mechanic.

As I left the shop, the tainted service man called out to me that this could be a scary bill. This was not good news. When is the right time to let your loved ones go? I hoped that today would not be the day that I would have to make the decision to pull the plug.

After a glorious bowl of Won Ton Soup in China Town the verdict was in. Nothing but a rotted hose! With a side note stating that due to age and mileage other things may be wrong. Tell me something I don’t know!!

Today ended well, my partner in crime lives to see another day and was shown one of the best Won Ton Soups EVAR!

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